I often read posts like this on Facebook where unfortunately someone has dropped a very expensive camera. When they could have saved themselves a lot of anguish by using a camera wrist strap:
A very, very sad day for me 😞 The unthinkable happened and I dropped my 5D Mark Iv today. Now the camera shows Err 20 and the mirror gets stuck when I press the shutter – it gets stuck midway and doesn’t lift all the way up. I bought the camera brand new off of Ebay and according to Canon the serial number indicates this product was not intended for sale in the United States and is ineligible for registration and support in the U.S. Has anyone had experience with an issue like that? I don’t know where to send my camera to be fixed. It’s brand new with less that 700 shutter count. Any advice or reputable repair service referral within the US is greatly appreciated!
We all walk around with several thousand pounds of gear in our hands. I have come close to dropping mine several times.
Long camera straps can be cumbersome, so I opt to always tether my camera to my wrist with a camera wrist strap.
Recommended Camera Wrist Strap
This is what I recommend:
It is paracord that fits quite discretely around the wrist.
If it is too thick to go through the eyelet on your camera then try these connectors.
In these troubling times, stay safe and keep your camera safe.