How can I post on Instagram from a PC? I like to share my work on social media, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. On Facebook and Twitter, I can log into my account on a PC and upload my photographs. That is not possible on Instagram. So how can I post my images to Instagram from a laptop or a desktop?
Instagram started as primarily a social network for mobile users. However, it is now an important platform for business, influencers, artists, writers, bloggers, and vloggers. For many of these users, it is a tedious process to upload content to Instagram from a PC. It is especially tortuous for photographers who will have images stored on computer hard drives, external drives and in the cloud. For them, it is a lengthy workflow to download images from these drives, upload to a cell phone and then post to Instagram.
Fortunately, the solution is simple, whether you use a Chrome browser or Microsoft Edge. You can easily transfer photographs from a PC directly to Instagram. No additional software is required.
If you use a Chrome browser this is how to post on Instagram from a PC in a few easy steps.
How to Upload Pictures to Instagram from a Laptop or PC Using a Chrome Browser
1 Profile …..(re How to share to Instagram from a PC)
Log into Instagram by signing in, and go to Profile (see Illustration 1)

2 Inspect …..(re How to transfer content to Instagram from a PC)
Right click the mouse anywhere on the page, and a drop down menu will appear. On the drop down menu go to Inspect. Mouse left click to reveal the HTML code for that page. (See Illustration 2)

3 Toggle …..(re How to transfer photographs to Instagram from a PC)
On the top left in the header area of the code are icons for desktop and mobile. Toggle from desktop to mobile which is the second one in. Click on Mobile. (See Illustration 2). The page will now reproduce how your mobile device shows Instagram. Do not click off the HTML code using X

4 Refresh …..(re How to post images from a PC to Instagram)
Refresh the page. Either by clicking the Refresh icon. See illustration 4 or pressing F5. The page will now reproduce exactly how your mobile device shows Instagram with the + icon displayed.

5 Post ……(re How to upload content from a desktop or laptop to Instagram)
Use the + to upload your photographs to Instagram just as you would on your mobile. See Illustration 5

How to Upload Pictures to Instagram from a Laptop or PC Using Microsoft Edge / Explorer
In Microsoft Edge / Explorer the process of loading content from a PC to Instagram is exactly the same as in Chrome.
- Open Profile
- Mouse click right to open Inspect

- Toggle & Click the mobile icon.
- Refresh the page
- Post the picture
This workaround has saved me so much time. I can now easily interact with 1 billion Instagram users.